Name of Business
Business Owner
First Name
Last Name
Business Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Business Email
Business Phone Number
Hours of Operation
Please explain/describe your business. What product or services do you offer? Why are you in business?
Describe your customer
Describe your trade area. Where do your customers come from?
For this venture, will you lease, purchase or own your location?
What is your background/experience in operating this type of business?
Will you, the owner, manage the business
If not, what will your role be?
Where do you see your business in 5 years?
How would you use the $8,000 “Open 4 Business” sub-state funds if awarded? How will the funds help your business achieve your goals?
How would you use the $20,000 “Open 4 Business” state funds if awarded? How will the funds help your business achieve your goals?
What is your personal investment in the business? What is your “skin in the game”? Include all sources.
If you do not win this competition, how will you proceed?
Have you received technical assistance from other sources? (Main Street Iowa, SBDC, college or university, local development organization, SCORE, vendor or supplier)?
If yes, what type of assistance?
Community Impact
How does/will your business benefit the local Main Street district?
How are you and/or your business involved in the community?
Current Number of Employees
Will you offer benefits?
If yes, what type of benefits?
Competitive Advantage
Who is your competition?
What is your competitive advantage? What sets your business apart from others in your market/trade area?
Marketing & Promotions
Does your business have a marketing/promotional plan? Please explain sources that you use, frequency, and expected results.
What are some potential new markets/promotions you have identified?
What is your annual budget for marketing/promotion?
Do you use social media? Please explain.